Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Stadtwerke 2023

Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Stadtwerke 2023

About Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Stadtwerke 2023

In times of crisis, maintaining a calm and focused approach while looking towards the future becomes paramount. It is essential to expedite the process of breaking free from dependencies and invest in initiatives that will lead us out of the crisis. Municipal utilities, in particular, need to establish close connections with their customers as part of their strategy moving forward. These important topics will take center stage at the Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Stadtwerke 2023, where industry professionals will gather to discuss the best approaches and anticipate the resulting transformations in the municipal utilities landscape.

Today, it is crucial to handle the current situation effectively in order to position ourselves for success in the future. This involves restoring balance to the energy policy triangle, which comprises climate protection, infrastructure security, and delivering energy solutions that offer value for money. Climate protection measures need to be prioritized to mitigate the impact of climate change and achieve sustainability goals. Simultaneously, ensuring the security of the energy infrastructure, both in terms of hardware and software, is essential to maintain reliable and resilient operations. Lastly, offering energy solutions that are affordable and provide value for money is crucial to address the needs and expectations of customers.

Additionally, a successful transition in the heating sector can only be accomplished through simplified and stable regulations. Streamlining regulatory frameworks will encourage the adoption of renewable and efficient heating technologies, enabling a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to heating. It is also essential to have a dedicated and motivated workforce that is ready to embrace change and actively contribute to the transition. This requires a supportive and empowering work environment that encourages innovation and adaptability. Acknowledging that setbacks and failures are a natural part of the journey is also crucial, as it fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

By addressing these key aspects, municipal utilities can navigate the challenges posed by the crisis effectively and position themselves for a resilient and successful future. The Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Stadtwerke 2023 offers a platform for industry experts to exchange insights, share best practices, and collaboratively shape the future of municipal utilities in an ever-changing landscape.

Join us at Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Stadtwerke 2023 to learn more about how Corinex is transforming electric grids into resilient smart energy networks.  

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Event details

April 25 - 26, 2023
Berlin, Germany
Energy Transition | Renewable Energy | Climate Protection | Heat Transition & Energy Efficiency | Infrastructure Protection

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