Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) - enabled grid visibility & Grid flexibility solutions

Broadband Over power lines

Corinex is a leading provider of BPL-based grid visibility and flexibility solutions that digitalize the distribution system where energy consumers connect.

We accelerate the mass integration of low-carbon technologies (LCTs), automate electricity infrastructure, and transform the grid into a dynamic and intelligent energy system.

Broadband Over Power line - enabled solutions

Corinex's BPL-enabled grid visibility and flexibility solutions are the key to mass adoption of low-carbon technologies


The Problem

Europe and North America’s energy networks are under pressure due to the massive adoption of low-carbon technologies (LCTs).
This pressure arises from three main factors: the shift to electric transportation, the electrification of heating systems, and the rise of decentralized energy production and consumption.
These changes are overwhelming the existing distribution networks, which lack the capacity to handle this growth. Consequently, network operators are faced with the need for expensive and time-consuming upgrades to the grid.
Gigawatts of wind and solar projects cannot be implemented because of insufficient visibility, control, and capacity of the grid.
Grid Connection Queues for Wind and Solar in Selected European Countries
Grid connection queues of wind and solar in European countries
Megavolts of solar energy projects cannot be installed because of insufficient visibility, control, and capacity in the grid.
Active Solar Capacity in Queues in U.S.
Active solar capacity in queues in U.S.


The Solution

Corinex’s grid flexibility solutions provide grid monitoring and control of the infrastructure between transformer stations, charging stations, electric vehicles, photovoltaic (PV) systems, and heat pumps.
This enables energy network operators to not only steer the mode of operation to preferred energy sources, manage and reduce energy consumption during peak loads, protect the grid from overloading, and maximize green energy installations by removing grid constraints, but also open the door to creating innovative new business models.
Night view of the German city, Stuttgart.

How corinex BPL-enabled solutions work

Corinex BPL-enabled grid flexibility solution that provides constraint management is based on the standardized ITU and PRIME BPL technology

Grid flexibility solution technical architecture
Contains local generation at LV grid
Better utilization of local generation through collective self-consumption
Prevents peaks above import limits
Flexible management of the LV grid for DSOs
Reliable energy supply and management of LCTs during challenging weather and grid conditions
A map of European countries where Corinex solutions are deployed.

All our deployments are compatible with our state-of-the-art scalable grid management software, GridValue

Discover more

BPL Technology Advantages

Corinex BPL is more cost-effective, has better coverage and availability, and offers higher security with more capabilities

Broadband Over Power Lines (BPL) offers several advantages over other technologies, including lower operational and fixed costs, full electrical grid coverage, and immediate availability. It provides sufficient bandwidth to meet current data transfer requirements, operates with localized coverage, which reduces its exposure to external threats, and is immune to cellular-specific attacks such as those exploiting SS7 or using IMSI catchers. Additionally, BPL is less susceptible to radio frequency interference or jamming, making it a more secure and reliable option for power grid and asset monitoring.

Cost & Availability
Cost & Availability
BPL is cost-effective with lower expenses and is readily available, while other LTE technologies such as 450 MHz network, have higher costs and require significant time and investment to establish coverage.
Consistent Coverage
Consistent Coverage
BPL provides consistent, reliable grid-wide coverage, unlike other LTE technologies, which have sparse coverage and limited effectiveness due to high costs and the location of metering devices.
Corinex GridValue Grid Management Software
Cost & Availability
BPL is cost-effective with lower expenses and is readily available, while other LTE technologies such as 450 MHz network, have higher costs and require significant time and investment to establish coverage.
Attack surface
Attack Surface
BPL reduces the attack surface by operating in localized areas, limiting exposure to external threats. In contrast, technologies that have a broader coverage are more vulnerable to malicious attacks due to their extensive reach.
Cellular Protocols
Cellular Protocols
BPL is immune to attacks exploiting cellular protocols, such as those targeting SS7 or using IMSI catchers, whereas the LTE network is more vulnerable to these types of threats due to its reliance on cellular technology.
Radio frequency interference
Radio Frequency Interference
BPL is less susceptible to radio frequency interference or jamming because it operates over existing power lines, whereas the LTE network is more vulnerable to such disruptions, which can be exploited by attackers to disrupt communications.

Why choose corinex bPL-enabled solutions

Only Corinex BPL-enabled solutions can provide billing, flexible asset measuring and steering, and AI implementation

Corinex BPL-enabled Solutions
Smart Meter
Non-Smart Meter
Dedicated Measurement/Metering Device
Flexible Asset(s)
Flexible Asset(s)
AI Implementation
Houses with solar panels on the roof